Landscaping Services in Elkhart, Granger, & South Bend, IN | Grow Pros Lawn Care, LLC

Contact Us

Contact us if you have any questions about our lawn care and landscaping services or areas our services are available in. 

Get Quote Call (574) 326-3526

Communication and a personal touch are the foundation of our successes.

At Grow Pros Lawn Care, LLC, we believe open communication and setting expectations and goals are the keys to success in this industry. We are up front and honest with our clients so we know the job we need to do and how to get the job done in a prompt manner within our client's budget and timeline.

If you have any questions about our professional lawn care and landscaping services, fill out our contact form or give us a call today.

Address: 3314 S Nappanee St, Elkhart, IN 46517

Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm | Sat-Sun: Closed