Landscaping Services in Elkhart, Granger, & South Bend, IN | Grow Pros Lawn Care, LLC

Lawn Insect Control Services Serving Elkhart, Granger, South Bend, Mishawaka, & Goshen, IN Areas

Lawn insect control services provided for properties located near Elkhart, Granger, South Bend, and surrounding Indiana counties.

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Lawn insect control services provided for properties located near Elkhart, Granger, South Bend, and surrounding Indiana counties.

Insect infestations are detrimental to lawn health and can completely destroy your yard in a matter of months.

Chinch bugs up close in a yard near South Bend, IN.

Our area of Indiana has a long list of lawn insects known to cause excessive to lawns. While some species might be a more serious problem than others, any signs of a pest or insect infestation is a clear sign the health of your lawn is suffering. You could end up with your yard being completely destroyed in a matter of months by not treating this issue in a proper amount of time.

We can accurately identify and treat for any insect infestations found throughout your yard. Our company can treat for white grubs, armyworms, and more with pre and post-emergent insecticide treatments. Lawn insect control services can be provided for residential and commercial properties located in Elkhart, Granger, South Bend, and nearby Indiana counties.

Classifying the different insect and pest species found in Northern Indiana.

White grub worms crawling through a lawn in Granger, IN.

Many lawn insects will eat the leaves and roots of your grass. It could take weeks for your yard to recover from this kind of damage. We have a number of different pests and insects that are found in lawns throughout Northern Indiana. These are a few of the most common species we see and can treat for with pre and post-emergent treatments:

  • White grubs- White grubs are the larvae of Japanese beetles and June bugs. They're normally eaten by birds and other small animals, but this only entices them to dig up and destroy your lawn even more. These little pests like to feed on the lawn roots beneath the soil and much of the dead grass left behind can be rolled up like sod. White grubs can survive through the winter and will start feeding in early spring. Some signs of an infestation are discolored and spongy sections of grass.
  • Armyworms- These caterpillars have been known to destroy large crop fields, so eating at your lawn is a small feat for them. A large infestation can decimate your lawn in a matter of days. Armyworms are heavily active in the fall and eat the tops of grass blades, making it seem like your lawn was affected by extreme drought.
  • Armyworms
  • Chinch bugs- Massive yellow or dead patches of grass are two big signs you may have a chinch bug problem. Chinchs suck out the moisture out of the grass blades and inject them with a type of poison that turns the blades yellow. It can take as little as 3 weeks for them to wipe out your lawn. Unfortunately, most damage can't be detected until early July or August when the weather is hot and dry.
  • Chinch bugs
  • Sod webworms- If you see tiny moths flying around your grass at night, these are most likely sod webworms. These critters produce brown patches the size of baseballs. The larvae will chew on the leaves and stems of the grass blades. As the webworms mature and continue to feed, the afflicted areas will enlarge. Damage caused by dog urine can sometimes be mistaken for sod webworms, but a lawn care professional can differentiate between the two.
  • Sod webworms

Don't let your lawn be overrun with insects and pests. Keep your grass and its root system protected with routine lawn insect control services provided by Grow Pros Lawn Care, LLC!

While not all lawn insects are bad, many different species can destroy your grass and its root system. It can sometimes take months to repair all the damage these pests can inflict on your yard.

Why wait until the problem gets this bad? Give our team at Grow Pros Lawn Care, LLC a call today at (574) 326-3526 to get started on an insect and pest control treatment program. We treat for a variety of different insects commonly found in lawns throughout homes and businesses in Elkhart, Granger, South Bend, and nearby areas. Contact a team member to receive a quote!

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Call (574) 326-3526